Sunday, October 18, 2009

Tokyo Magnitude 8.0

As you can guess from the title, Tokyo Magnitude 8.0 is an anime series about the aftermath of massive earthquake. The Japanese earthquake scale only goes up to 7.0, so an 8.0 seismic event is unprecedented. The earthquake and aftershock scenes are genuinely frightening, even though it is only an animation. There was only one sequence that didn't feel right because it seemed that escape would be impossible, but I'll allow the producers some dramatic license.

The story begins when Onosawa Mirai, a somewhat bratty preteen, reluctantly agrees to take her younger brother, Yuuki, to see a robotics exhibition on Odaiba Island in Central Tokyo. The earthquake hits just as they are leaving the exhibition and, after a harrowing escape by boat from the cut off island, they slowly make their way back home on foot. They have help from Kusakabe Mari, a young woman who is heading in same direction.

Mirai's behaviour in the early part of the story is very irritating, but the journey home is also a story about her coming of age. It was wonderful to watch Mirai mature as she slowly realizes what is truly important. With no way to communication with their families, it is a very stressful time for everyone, even Mari who has a young daughter. Yuuki actually is the strongest character of all, despite his young age.

However, the story has a tragic end. The last three episodes are the saddest anime I've ever seen: you are going to need some tissues to get through this. There are clues about what is to come, but I kept hoping it was a red herring. But there is no fairy tale ending in this anime. It is excellent story telling to the very end.

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